Beets in an Instant

Quick, healthy + delicious!


  • Fresh beets (Tip: Buy them with the greens attached as this way you will know that they are fresh and you can use the greens in a sauté later)


  • Trim the stems off beets

  • Place 1 cup of water in an Instant Pot

  • Cover it with the steamer rack provided and place beets on the rack

  • Close and set it on high for 25 min

  • Turn it off after 25 min and wait for the beets to cool a bit

  • The skins will magically slip off

  • Cut into quarters and pour a dressing over the beets while they are still warm


  • 1/3 cup balsamic vinegar 

  • 1/3 cup olive oil

  • 2 tsps grainy Djon mustard

  • Salt + pepper, to taste


  • *Nitric oxide from vegetable nitrates improves oxygen efficiency, opening up arteries so there’s more blood flow - the same idea behind statins.

  • It is way tastier, healthier and quicker than roasting. I used to wrap each beet in foil, bake at 400 for 1 hour+ then peel them. For this method you will need an Instant Pot and I highly recommend this appliance which I use all the time for batch cooking grains and legumes. (Please note that I am not sponsored by Instant Pot and only recommend products I like and use.)