


  • Arugula (aka rocket) is part of the cruciferous family and is rich in phytonutrients, glucosinolates and is higher in antioxidants, calcium, magnesium, folate and vitamind E than most salad greens


  • Chopping arugula before adding to a salad or dish brings out the flavor and nutritional benefits. Try it!

  • Arugula has a shorter shelf life than most greens so be sure to pick the freshest you can find

  • Its peppery flavor blends well with other ingredients in a salad, grains and beans as well as in a pesto with pasta

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beet greens


  • Dont throw the greens away!  Beet greens are actually the most nutrient-rich part of the plant and provide amazing health benefits:
    - They are an excellent source of iron and magnesium - 1 cup of greens contains 15% of the daily recommended amount of iron and 25% of magnesium
    -  They are also a good source of fiber and protein as well as vitamins A, B2, C and K and an excellent source of minerals including copper, potassium, manganese, magnesium and calcium and phytonutrients


  • When buying beets it is best to buy them still attached to the greens since without fresh greens there is no way to tell the shelf life of cut beets - it could be longer than one would imagine

  • Remove the greens from the beets before storing since the greens will draw moisture out or the beets and dry them out

  • Use beet greens in addition to or as a substitute for spinach or chard in soups, stews or sautes

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Bok choy


  • Bok Choy, part of the cruciferous family, is a powerhouse of nutrients containing large amounts of vitamins C, A, and K, and excellent sources of calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, zinc and iron


  • Bok Choy is known for its mild flavor and is good for stir fries, sauteeing and soups but you can also eat it raw - sliced very thin in salads

  • Use bok choy in addition to or as a substitute for spinach or chard in soups, stews or sautees

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  • Chard is packed with nutrional benefits containing vitamins, K, A, C, B and E and minerals including magnesium, manganese, iron and potassium as well as calcium and fiber.

  • It is high in many antioxidants including beta-carotene and flavonoids


  • It is best not to wash chard before storing since the moisture will result in it spoiling sooner 

  • There are many ways in which chard can be added to the diet including in soups, stews, frittatas and salads

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  • Collards are part of the cruciferous family and are loaded with an impressive array of health benefits - they are an excellent source of vitamins A, B, C, E and K plus riboflavin, calcium, iron, magnesium, thiamin, niacin, manganese, phosphorus and potassium

  • Additionallly they are a rich source of fiber


  • Collards make great wraps instead of tortillas - just drop them in boiling water (or the microwave) for a few seconds to soften them

  • Collards do well when added to soups or stews or stir fried with garlic and a squeeze of lemon. But don’t overcook them.

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  • Kale is not only one of the most nutritious of the cruciferous vegetable family it is possibly the most nutrient-dense of all plant food 

  • It is great source of glucosinolates, beta-carotene, antioxidants, and is extrremely high in vitamins C and K -  a cup of raw kale contains more vitamin C than an orange and seven times the RDA for vitamin K

  • It is loaded with minerals including calcium, potassium and magnesium as well as fiber - there is more calcium a one-cup serving of kale than 6 oz of milk and more fiber than 3 slices of whole-wheat bread


  • It is advisable to choose organic kale whenever possible since they are on the Environmental Working Group’s list of Dirty Dozen - the list of produce with the most pesticide residue that is published every year 

  • Kale is most nutritious eaten raw - do remove the rib as it is tough and never gets tender!

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  • Lettuce contains protein, dietary fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and folate as well as vitamin A, B, C, E and K


  • There are a huge number of varieties of lettuce which vary in flavor, texture and taste - but look out for the most nutritious ones:
    - Color: Red, purple or reddish-brown as these colors come from the powerful anthocyanins which also make blueberries blue, next most nutritious are the dark green varieties
    - Leaf arrangement: The tightly wrapped leaves (like iceberg) are considerably less nutritious than the looseleaf varieties as the leaves need to produce extra phytonutrients to protect them from direct sunlight 

  • Since a salad spinner removes most, but not all of the water after washing salad greens, adding a couple of pieces of paper towel to the spinner soaks up some additional water

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  • Radicchio, part of the chicory family, varieties are named for the region in Italy where they grow like Tardivo, Treviso, Choggia and Castelfranco

  • Radicchio is a great source of vitamins, dietary fiber and minerals as well as phytonutrients and antioxidants. 

  • It is an excellent source of potassium, selenium, calcium, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, folate and Vitamin B


  • Soaking the leaves in ice water for 30 min will cut down the bitterness, also

  • Slivering the radicchio in fine slices and dressing it ahead of serving with good olive oil and a few drops of good wine vinegar, plus salt, will help to cut down on bitterness

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  • Spinach contains many important nutrients - it is particularly high in vitamins A, C and K, folate and contains iron, other minerals and phytonutrients


  • It is advisable to choose organic spinach whenever possible since they are on the Environmental Working Group’s list of Dirty Dozen - the list of produce with the most pesticide residue that is published every year 

  • Spinach spoils more quickly than most greens, so try to eat it as soon as you can

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